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Keywords: Computer Vision
MO-EF-TRACK 4-7Latent Space Arc Therapy Optimization
N Bice1*, N Kirby1, D Nguyen2, C Kabat1, P Myers1, N Papanikolaou1, M Fakhreddine1, (1) UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, San Antonio, Texas, (2) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
MO-IePD-TRACK 4-3Explainable AI Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis Through Joint Deep Learning and Radiomics
D Yang*, G Ren, M Ying, J Cai, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 91
MO-IePD-TRACK 4-7Using Neural Networks to Extend Cropped Medical Images for Deformable Registration Among Images with Differing Scan Extents
E McKenzie1*, N Tong2, D Ruan1, M Cao1, R Chin1, K Sheng1, (1) UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, (2) Xidian University, Xi'an CN
PO-GePV-M-16Predicting Successful Clinical Candidates for Marker-Less Lung Tumor Tracking with a Deep Learning Classification Model
M Lafreniere*, G Valdes, M Descovich, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
PO-GePV-M-18Using CNNs to Extract Standard Structure Names While Learning Radiomic Features
W Sleeman*, P Bose, P Ghosh, J Palta, R Kapoor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
PO-GePV-M-30Low-Dose CT Images Denoising Integrating Machine Learning and Optimization
Q Xu*, Q Lyu, K Sheng, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
PO-GePV-M-237Interpretable Artificial Intelligence-Based Extracapsular Extension Prediction in Head and Neck Cancer Analysis
Y Wang1, W Duggar2*, T Thomas2, P Roberts2, R Gatewood2, L Bian1, H Wang1, (1) Mississippi State University, (2) University of Mississippi Med. Center
PO-GePV-M-243Multi-Scale Deep Learning CT Liver and Spleen Segmentation Network for Radiation-Induced Toxicity Outcomes Analysis
R Haq*, I Onochie, A Apte, M Thor, J Deasy, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
SU-CD-TRACK 3-0Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center: Imaging in Covid
M Giger1*, P Kinahan2*, M McNitt-Gray3*, K Myers4*, S Armato5*, (1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (2) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (3) David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, (4) Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, FDA, Silver Spring, MD, (5) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
SU-E-TRACK 6-2Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Hepatic Portal Hypertension: A Novel, Attention-Guided Deep Learning Framework Based On CT Imaging and Laboratory Data Integration
Y Wang*, X Li, M Konanur, B Konkel, E Seyferth, N Brajer, M Bashir, K Lafata, Duke University, Durham, NC
SU-E-TRACK 6-5Multi-Class Classification Based On Multi-Loss Strategy and Auxiliary Deep Learning Network with Applications in Medical Imaging
Z Fan*1, S He2, E Chen1,6, S Ruan3, X Wang4, H Li1,5 (1)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL (2)Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO (3)University of Rouen, Rouen, France (4)University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL (5)Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, IL (6)Carle Illinois College of Medicine, Urbana, IL
SU-IePD-TRACK 1-4Wavelet U-Net: Incorporating Wavelet Transform Into U-Net for Liver Segmentation
J Chang*, C Chang, California Protons Cancer Therapy Center / UCSD, San Diego, CA
TH-E-TRACK 4-1Few Shot Meta Learner for Post-Operative Prostate CTV Style Adaptation
A Balagopal*, D Nguyen, T Bai, H Morgan, M Dohopolski, N Desai, A Garant, R Hannan, S Jiang, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
TH-E-TRACK 4-5Small Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation
A Celaya1, J Actor1,2, R Muthusivarajan1, E Gates1*, C Chung1, D Schellingerhout1, B Riviere2, D Fuentes1, (1) University Of Texas Md Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Rice University, Houston, TX
TH-IePD-TRACK 3-3Attention Guided Network for Vestibular Schwannoma Growth Prediction
K Wang*, L Chen, N George-Jones, J Hunter, J Wang, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
WE-IePD-TRACK 1-7A Geometry-Guided Deep Learning Technique for CBCT Reconstruction
K Lu1*, L Ren2, F Yin2, (1) Duke University, Durham, NC, (2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
